The Amazing “Eco Diversity” in the Isles and Florida
For many of us coming to Naples from other parts of the United States and the world, we appreciate the weather and the beautiful birds we see, but do not really know about the diversity within ICP and Florida. Florida varies from tropical to temperate climates. The state’s highest point is 345 feet above sea level. It also has more coastline than any other state except Alaska, more mangroves than any other state, the only living coral reefs in the United States, and the world’s largest system of freshwater springs.
In this talk and presentation, Martin will give you an overview of what he has learned about the components, habitats, animals, and birds in the 3 ecosystems in Florida that exist at the Isles and areas very close to us:
· Coastal
· Freshwater
· Uplands.
He will illustrate his talk with many beautiful photographs, taken here at the Isles and within 1 hour of our location. Afterward, there will be time for Q&A and a quiz!!